• Do you feel stuck, unfulfilled and unhappy in your current life style?
  • Are you in a People Pleasing recurrent pattern and you don’t know how to change your close relationships, how to set priorities and boundaries?
  • Do you have this feeling that there must be more to life than spending the majority of your day stressed out and insecure?
  • Do you aspire to have more freedom and relaxation in your daily routine?
  • Are you unsure what kind of life you should have that matches your interests, skills, passions and purpose?
  • Are you even unsure on where you want to live, how do you want to spend your days?
  • What is the right mindset and discipline to reach your goals and realize your dreams?

If you are reading these questions right now and the inner voice inside your head has started screaming:

OMG yes! This is me stuck in my life!’ –

Then my Signature coaching program is the perfect fit for you

With my personalized 3-months- 12 sessions- 1-1 Coaching Program “The Roadmap to Self-Love ” you will achieve the following tangible results:



A program of 12 individuals sessions including:

– Weekly interactive customized sessions (3 months) to go deeper in your personal transformation.

– Bonus materials such as guided visualization, meditation, reading list, watch list and breathing exercises.

– Calls, messages and videos as support between the weekly sessions.

–  A powerful clarity.


–  STANDARD PROGRAM: (12 sessions) for individual coaching (60 minutes);

 –  VIP PROGRAM: (12 sessions) for individual coaching (120 minutes with special bonuses) ;

GROUP COACHING: (12 sessions for a minimum of 2 people to a maximum of 5 people ). The total cost will be divided between the participants;

WORKSHOP “How to Manage Anxiety and Stress”:  ( per maximum 9 people : 2/3 hours online workshop. It depends on the interaction during the workshop.);

 – WORKSHOP “How to Discover and Manifest Your Talents”:  (per maximum 9 people: 3 days workshop, 90 minutes per day. It depends on the interaction during the workshop.) .

If you are interested in working with me, I offer a Free Discovery Call where the both of us can find out whether we are a great match and we can talk about the details of my Coaching  Program.


DO YOU WANT TO START THIS INCREDIBLE JOURNEY?                               


My special signature Program 

“The Roadmap to Self- Love

You are unique so should be your Coaching Program

I believe that as a unique and amazing human
being you deserve an approach that is just as
unique as you are.

I create my 1-1 Coaching programs depending on
your individual needs and extraordinary

 I personally feel that  Coaching isn’t just about working with clients on purpose, performance, potential or goals. 
Real Transformative Coaching is much more than
that – it is Holistic Coaching.

The Results You will Obtain

  • Clarity on your talents, interests, skills, passion and purpose in Life.

  • Understand your Why and purpose.

  • Reveal and remove any limiting beliefs and mindset blockages that are currently holding you back to follow your mission.

  • Discover your individual values and what’s most important to you in your life (99% your values are not what you think they are).

  • Have clear vision of your dream lifestyle and your needs to apply it to all areas of your life so you con holistically feel balanced and fulfilled.  

  • Starting with your health (nutrition, movement and life-style) you will have the right support to achieve the highest results on career, the type of relationships you want to be having, time you need for leisure activities and the kind of environment that supports your most vibrant beautiful self.

  • Understand and be able to define your deepest goal. Once you have clarity where you’d like your growth journey to lead you to, you’ll know where to focus your energy and time on as you move forward.

I think it’s when you take care of yourself, you love yourself that you truly bloom and look your most beautiful”

Heart Evangelist

I don’t want you to strive in only one or two areas of life – I want you to strive in ALL of them.

With my 12 week Individual coaching program you will gain the clarity, focus, confidence and energy to reconnect with your true self. After few months you will be aligned in a powerful way to your passion, skills and interests. You will manifest your values and needs in everyday life. You simply deserve a GREAT LIFE.

To understand if you are in the right place, right now these are the questions you do need to answer:

This extraordinary transformation will be possible through the most innovative techniques of Holistic Coaching.

We’ll explore all areas of your life that need addressing and we will remove, in our journey together, all the obstacles holding you back or representing a barrier on your growth path ahead.

I am devoted to help you to step into your deepest self and live a life in accordance with your values, gifts and truth – beyond stress, anxiety, and anger. We can choose our Well-being over self-judgment. The Presence in the moment over perfection.

This is an incredible journey with a specific customized framework that will guide you step by step, to change your life-style and mindset. At the end of the path you will be reconnected with your inner wisdom and will manifest the best version of yourself.

You won’t fell stuck, unfulfilled and burnt out in your 9-5 and the lifestyle that comes with it, to having clarity, confidence and energy towards creating your most joyful future, meaningful entrepreneurial career and freedom lifestyle.

My Extraordinary women
“What my coaching clients say:”

“My coaching sessions with Lorena have been truly inspiring. I started without knowing exactly what was in store for me: not only in the short term, but especially in the long term. In fact, the results of the experience continue to stick with me weeks after my last session. At the beginning, you don’t think you will be able to actually put that longed for change into practice, despite wanting it with all your heart. But the exercises done with her, the power of her words and advice, continue to work inside you even at the end of the path, and it is there that you appreciate how important it is to take some space, to finally take that path leading inside “your true self“, even to face the ghosts that have always frightened you. For me, it meant regaining a crucial sense of balance within my daily routine: overcoming the anxiety that people and situations caused me, also at a professional level. It is an experience
I would recommend and wish on anyone: regardless of the specific type of issue that is burdening you, now I believe there is a way out for everyone.”
– Elisa

“When I met Lorena I felt the need to make a change in my personal and professional life. I felt a strong misalignment between my inner expectations (desires and emotions) and the outer game (behaviors and choices). I was not able to find my way towards a positive new balance. Not only has Lorena showed me the direction, but she has also walked beside me on that path, so as to remind me that I was not alone along the way. Had I tripped, I knew she would have supported me, had I fallen, she would have held her hand out to get me up. While all our sessions have been wonderful, some I will remember forever. I suspect that these were the moments when I managed to “unravel skeins” that I had been carrying inside all along. All this was possible thanks to simple and very powerful tools that Lorena showed me during my transformation path. Two months after my last session with her, I feel like the best version of me, ever. When the most challenging moments arrive, I draw on the very useful tools she provided me with and make a masterpiece of every single day of my life! – Elena

“I was welcomed by Lorena with the most simple invitation to have a chat and ever since, I have been meeting with her weekly over the past months. It has been a game changer for me. It is extraordinary to discover oneself and it is even more extraordinary to accomplish the goals you have dreamed of or set for yourself, that you never thought you could achieve. Lorena’s method has given me  the possibility to open up my eyes to a whole new world: a world full of chances and never empty hopes. She guided me and made me resonate on what I truly deserves, awakening the consciousness and the awareness of myself. Having a coach like Lorena is not only a game changer, it is a gift, it is living life with a magical touch and having someone believing in you, pushing you and supporting. Lorena has taken me to believe in the essence of life and her presence. I see “change” and turning point in life AT ANY MOMENT, it is all up to myself. I have learned to listen to myself, to know myself and to accept my authenticity. I have learned to bloom from the great depression toward the best expression and I have learned to live here and now”.

– Charlotte